מגדל עדן

A Beach Promenade Residential Development

  • לקוח

    קבוצת חממי עזרא

  • מיקום

    בת ים

  • סטטוס

    • הושלם
  • פרוגרמה


  • שטח

    42,700 מ"ר

  • שירותים


  • קטגוריות

    • מגורים והתחדשות עירונית

Eden Residential Tower offers a perfect combination of a winning location in the heart of the new "Park Ha-Yam" neighborhood in Bat Yam and a mix of quality apartments with a sea view. The project rises to a height of 45 floors on the beach strip and offers a diverse mix of 3,4,5 room apartments with a spectacular view from the apartment balconies. Located on the corner of Yohanan Ha-Sandler/Ha-Komemiyut Streets in the heart of the new Hayam Park neighborhood - "The New City of Gush Dan" - the flagship project of the Bat Yam Municipality, on the city's beach strip overlooking one of the most beautiful beach strips in Israel and including a spectacular beach park and nature reserve of about 200 dunams.

צוות העיצוב עידו נורי גבע, אורי רותם, דב קורן

פרויקטים נוספים